Classification of Students

Students admitted to the college under one of the modes of admission described under ‘New Student Admission’ (page 17) are classified as freshmen until they have earned at least thirty semester credit hours toward a degree. They are, thereafter, classified as sophomores until they have completed the requirements for graduation or certification under a two-year program, or until they have completed one-half the semester-hour requirement for a bachelor’s degree. Students beyond the sophomore level may be admitted and will be classified as special students. Students are classified as full-time if they are enrolled for 12 or more semester hours and part-time if they are enrolled for fewer than 12 semester hours.


Guided Pathways is a national initiative designed to remove roadblocks for students in their pursuit of higher education degrees and certificates. At Weatherford College, we care about your success and we strive to guide you on a direct path to reaching your overall goals with the least amount of obstacles. 

In effort to direct students onto a path, Weatherford College has created six Communities consisting of like degree and certificate programs.

  • Business & Industry
  • Creative &Liberal Arts
  • Health Care
  • Public Service
  • Science, Technology, & Math
  • Exploratory

Each Community represents a broad major of like programs of study to provide an opportunity for student to interact and engage with other peers and faculty within a community.

For more information about communities at Weatherford College, please speak with an academic advisor and visit the Academic Communities webpage.