Advanced concepts and practice of haircutting. Topics include haircuts utilizing scissors, razor, and/or clippers
Identify reference points on the head form and understand their role in haircutting. Define angles, elevations, and guidelines. List the factors involved in a successful client consultation.
- Identify the terminology related to hair structure, growth, and distribution.
- Discuss purpose and structure of the hair.
- Recommend a hair shape for client in relation to her needs.
- Complete the six hair cuts listed.
- Proper use of cutting implements as required by hair texture and style desired.
Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, 2016 ed., Milady Publishing Company.
EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: Brushes, combs, clippies, scissors, tapering shears, razor, mannequin, visual aids overhead projector.
Individual practical sheets with criteria included, written unit test, final written and practical exam.
- Identify terminology related to hair structure, growth and distribution on weekly work sheet.
- Discuss purpose and structure of the hair.
- Define hair density in relation to type of implement used.
- Describe the various types of hair growth patterns.
- Pass a written test over the purpose and structure of the hair.
- Recommend a hair shape for client in relation to her needs.
- Head shape
- Texture and length of hair
- Implements needed
- Clients lifestyle and style desired
- Complete the six haircuts listed.
- Basic cut actual performance using scissors.
- Basic cut, actual performance using razor.
- Sculpture cut
- Wedge cut
- Vertical layered cut on student or client
- Complete a clipper cut
- Describe a blunt cut
- Proper use of all cutting implements as required by texture and style.
- Demonstrate use of shears, razor, tapering shears, and clippers.
- Name the qualities of a good pair of shears.
- Demonstrate the correct position for handling the hair cutting implements.
This course will be conducted in a cosmetology lab, hands-on experience, audio-visual, transparencies and class demonstrations will constitute the major portion of the class.
Upon completion of the Cosmetology Program the student will be able to:
- Project a positive attitude and a sense of personal integrity and self-confidence.
- Practice effective communication skills, visual poise, and proper grooming.
- Respect the need to deliver worthy service for value received in an employer-employee relationship.
- State the benefits of prioritizing time efficiently.
- Use proven strategies to build a clientele.
- List safety and sanitation procedures for use of equipment, implements, and treatments.
- Perform basic manipulative skills in the areas of hairstyling, hair shaping, hair coloring, texture services, scalp and hair conditioning, skin and makeup, manicure and pedicures.
- Perform the basic analytical skills to determine proper makeup, hairstyle, and color application for the client’s overall image.
- Apply learned theory, technical information and related matter to assure sound judgments, decisions, and procedures.
- Apply learned theory, manipulative skills and analytical skills to obtain licensure and competency in entry-level positions in cosmetology or a related career field.
ADA Statement:
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) may contact the Office on the Weatherford College Weatherford Campus to request reasonable accommodations. Phone: 817-598-6350 Office Location: Office Number 118 in the Student Services Building, upper floor. Physical Address: Weatherford College 225 College Park Drive Weatherford, TX.
The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) identified competencies in the area of Resources, Interpersonal, Information, Systems, and Technology; and foundation skills in the areas of Basic Skills and Personal Qualities. A SCANS matrix which includes this course is available for your review.