FAST and Dual Credit Education Grants (DEG)

Beginning with the 2024-25 school year, Weatherford College has opted in to Financial Aid for Swift Transfer (FAST) system created by the Texas legislature for Dual Credit students. Under the FAST system, students are eligible to take dual credit courses at no cost if they

  1. are enrolled in an eligible dual credit course at a public school district or charter school (i.e., eligible for Foundation School Program funding); and
  2. are taking a course offered through an institutional agreement, as outlined in TAC, Section 4.84, from an institution of higher education that has opted to participate in FAST; and
  3. were qualified for free/reduced-price lunch in any of the four school years prior to the academic year in which they enroll in the dual credit course. (THECB Website)

Students who are not eligible for free or reduced lunch may apply for Weatherford College’s need-based Dual Enrollment Grant (DEG) by completing a FAFSA or TASFA and indicating Weatherford College as a recipient. The DEG covers up to six (6) hours of tuition and fees per fall and spring semester for eligible students. The receipt of DEG funds does not affect the ability to receive Pell grant in the future as long as the student remains otherwise eligible.