International Student Admission

For purposes of Weatherford College admission, an international student is defined as a student who is, or will be in the United States on a valid non-immigrant student visa. All non-immigrant visa holders are considered nonresident students,
and will pay out-of-state tuition. 

All students enrolling at Weatherford College on a non-immigrant status must complete the WC International Admission Application and submit all required documents.

All non F-1 visa holders (i.e. students seeking admission with a J, R or H, etc… visa) must complete the International Student Admission Packet and submit it to the International Office. Contact the International Office regarding the requirements. These vary depending on the visa type.


  • Weatherford College International Student Application for Admission
  • International Application processing fee - $75.00 (nonrefundable) - money order or check payable to Weatherford College.
  • Official High School and/or College academic transcripts of each academic record in the native language with a certified English translation if applicable. Academic records may comprise one or more of the
    • Secondary school records (yearly mark sheets or transcripts). Every international applicant is required to meet the equivalent of 12 years of combined elementary and secondary education that is measurable and comparable to that of the United States.
    • Records from each college or university attended (yearly mark sheets or transcripts).
    • National examination results.
  • Financial statements documenting adequate funds to cover one year’s expenses, which include a bank endorsement of the availability of funds and affidavits from the student and sponsor (see admission packet for required financial forms). NOTE: A USCIS form I-134 is required if the student is sponsored by someone currently residing in the United States.
  • English proficiency is required for ALL applicants. International students are required to show proficiency by one of the following options:

Internet-based 71 or higher

Paper-based 525 or higher

Overall Band of 5.5 or higher Successful completion of the final level of an approved intensive English Program. Graduated with a degree from an accredited school in an English-speaking country (*See country list below)


*English-speaking countries: American Samoa, Anguilla, Antigua/Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Guyana, Canada(except Quebec), Cayman Islands, Dominica, Falkland Islands, Fiji, Grenada, Guam, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica/other West Indies, Liberia, Montserrat, New Zealand, Sierra Leone, South Africa, St. Helena, St Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caico Isle, United Kingdom, and Virgin Islands, and US Pacific Trust.

  • Copy of student’s passport. If the student does not have a passport, provide a copy of their national ID card.
  • Completed Statement of Understanding Form (see admission packet for a copy of the form).

Prospective students who are not in the United States should arrive in the United States at least one week before enrollment to arrange for testing. Upon admission to WC, students must present all original immigration documents including a valid I-94 (arrival/departure record) and an unexpired passport.

International Student Transfer Admission

For the purpose of determining admission, an international transfer student is one who is in good standing (i.e. academic, financial and conduct) from their former accredited higher education institution.

Transfer students will be required to meet all admission requirements and criteria outlined in items 1 – 7, as well as the following:

  • A copy of his/her passport, visa, I-94 and I-20 from their current institution.
  • Transfer Status form completed by the current college/university’s International Office.
  • English proficiency for transfer students can be demonstrated in one of the following ways:
    • TSI exam scores
    • Completion of an approved Intensive English Language Program (NOTE: Placement testing will be required).
    • Earned a grade of “C” or higher in each of the three skills areas (Reading, Writing & Math).


International Student Readmission

An international student who has attended Weatherford College but was not enrolled during the immediate past semester must file a new WC International Admission Packet including the current application fee. A past WC international student who has attended another college or university since last attending WC must submit a new application packet and fee including official transcript(s) from each school. Admission status will be determined after an evaluation of the previous work has been made.


International Student Immunization Requirements

Prior to enrollment, all international students must provide proof of the following immunizations/vaccines:

  1. Tuberculosis Testing (TB) - All international students must provide a copy of a negative TB skin test or documentation of a negative chest x-ray. All records must include the dates and results of the test. Prior vaccination with GCG does not exempt the student from testing requirements.
  2. Meningitis Vaccination (Documentation of vaccination within the last 5 years) - Students under age 22 who are entering an institution of higher education for the first time or returning after an absence of one of more semesters are required to provide this documentation. Students declining the vaccination for reasons of conscience, including religious belief, will be required to submit a conscientious exemption form from the Texas Department of State Health Services. This form may be requested at: https://webds.