Repeat 3 Fee

The Texas Legislature has mandated that a course repeated by a student more than twice at a public institution of higher education may not be reported for state funding. As a result, the institution must either pass the non-funded portion to all students or charge a supplementary fee. Consequently, Weatherford College has chosen to assess a supplementary fee to only those students repeating the course more than twice. For courses being taken for the third time, students will be charged $50.00 per semester credit hour ($150.00 for a 3 hour course) in addition to tuition and required fees associated with the course. Students will be notified at the time they register for a course that it has been taken twice at Weatherford College and is subject to the supplementary fee.

Students may request a waiver of the Three-peat fee based on hardship in the financial aid office where they will be informed about the procedures. Students may receive the waiver for no more than one time per class and no more than three times cumulatively.