Cardiopulmonary Disease


Etiology, pathogenesis, pathology, diagnosis, history, prognosis, manifestations, treatment, and detection of cardiopulmonary diseases.

Course Learning Objectives

Analyze the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and management of cardiopulmonary disorders; and compare cardiopulmonary disorders.

End of Course Outcomes

I. Demonstrate an understanding of cardiopulmonary diseases as they relate
to anatomic alterations, pathophysiologic mechanisms, clinical
manifestations and SOAP assessment format. (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8,
F9, F10, F11, C5, C6, C7)
A. Explain common anatomic alterations of the lung
B. Explain common pathophysiologic mechanisms
C. Describe how anatomic alterations activate pathophysiologic
mechanisms which lead to clinical manifestations
D. Describe the fundamentals of patient assessment
E. Define subjective, objective, symptoms, and signs
II. Demonstrate an understanding of basic chest x-ray examination and
interpretation as well as other radiologic imaging, terms and abnormalities.
(F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, C5, C6, C7)
A. Describe the fundamentals of radiography
B. Identify standard position and techniques of chest radiography
C. Describe the steps in inspecting the chest radiograph and discuss
common abnormalities, to include terminology used to describe
D. Explain radiologic techniques to include computed tomography,
positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imagining,
pulmonary angiography, ventilation/perfusion scans, fluoroscopy, and
III. Demonstrate an understanding of the definition, etiology, pathophysiology,
clinical manifestations, and management of COPD. (F1, F2, F3,F4, F5, F6, F7,
F8, F9, F10, C5, C6, C7)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of chronic bronchitis
B. Define emphysema
C. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of emphysema
D. Compare and contrast chronic bronchitis and emphysema
E. Define COPD
F. Identify key indicators for considering COPD as a diagnosis
G. Familiarize states of COPD as per GOLD guidelines
IV. Demonstrate an understanding of the definition, etiology, pathophysiology,
clinical manifestations, and management of asthma. (F1, F2, F3,F4, F5, F6,
F7, F8, F9, F10, C5, C6, C7)
A. Define asthma according to GINA guidelines
B. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of asthma
C. Classify asthma severity
V. Demonstrate an understanding of the definition, etiology, pathophysiology,
clinical manifestations, and management of cystic fibrosis. (F1, F2, F3,F4, F5,
F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, C5, C6, C7)
A. Define cystic fibrosis
B. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of cystic fibrosis
VI. Demonstrate an understanding of the definition, etiology, pathophysiology,
clinical manifestations, and management of bronchiectasis. (F1, F2, F3,F4,
F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, C5, C6, C7)
A. Define bronchiectasis
B. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of bronchiectasis
VII. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
pneumonia to include lung abscess and fungal disease. (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7,
F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of pneumonia
VIII. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
tuberculosis. (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of tuberculosis
B. Discuss healthcare worker prevention of TB
IX. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
pulmonary edema. (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of pulmonary edema
X. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
pulmonary vascular disease (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of pulmonary embolism
XI. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
disorders of the chest wall(F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of flail, pneumothorax, and
pleural effusion
XII. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
disorders of the pleural space (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
a. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab
test and special procedures, and management of pleural effusion
and empyema
XIII. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
lung cancer (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of lung cancer
XIV. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
interstitial lung disease. (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of various pneumoconiosis
XV. Explain of the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management
of ARDS (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of ARDS
XVI. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
the neuromuscular system as pertains to Guillain-Barre and Myasthenia
Gravis. (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of Guillain-Barre and
Myasthenia Gravis
XVII. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
sleep-related disorders pertaining to sleep apnea (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10,
C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of sleep apnea
XVIII. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
near drowning. (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12, C13)
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of near drowning
XIX. Explain the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, and management of
smoke inhalation and thermal injuries. (F1, F2, F3, F5, F7, F10, C11, C12,
A. Describe anatomic alterations, etiology, clinical manifestation, lab test
and special procedures, and management of smoke inhalation and
thermal injuries

Required Textbooks

Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease, 8 th Edition, Burton, Jardins.

Evaluation Standards

6 Major Exams 60%
Exam 1 (Course Objectives I and II)
Exam 2 (Course Objectives III)
Exam 3 (Course Objectives IV - VI)
Exam 4 (Course Objectives VII - VIII)
Exam 5 (Course Objectives IX - XII)
Exam 6 (Course Objectives XIII-XV)

5 SOAP Sheets 20%
SOAP 1 (Course Objectives III)
SOAP 2 (Course Objectives IV - VI)
SOAP 3 (Course Objectives VII - VIII)
SOAP 4 (Course Objectives IX - XII)
SOAP 5 (Course Objectives XIII - XV)
Final Exam 20%
(Course Objectives XVI - XIX)


Your attendance is the biggest predictor of your success. Attendance at every class is expected. The student will be allowed to miss 4 days of lecture (Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes) without affecting their grade (exception of test days. See student handbook). Every one absence over the 4 absences will result in a 10% deduction of the student’s final grade. Punctuality is of equal importance. If the student is more than 15 minutes late to lecture or lab this will constitute an absence. Three tardies count as one day absent.

Grading Standards

A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 75-79%
F <75%

All students must achieve a minimum of 75% or higher to pass this course

Required Institutional Core Learning Outcomes

A student shall retain all rights to original work created as part of instruction or using College District technology resources


ADA Statement:

Any student with a documented disability (e.g. learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) may contact the Office on the Weatherford College Weatherford Campus to request reasonable accommodations. Phone: 817-598-6350 Office Location: Office Number 118 in the Student Services Building, upper floor. Physical Address: Weatherford College 225 College Park Drive Weatherford, TX.

Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is fundamental to the educational mission of Weatherford College, and the College expects its students to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct. Academic dishonesty of any kind will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials including unauthorized use of Generative AI. Departments may adopt discipline specific guidelines on Generative AI usage approved by the instructional dean. Any student who is demonstrated to have engaged in any of these activities will be subject to immediate disciplinary action in accordance with institutional procedures.
Hope Statement
Any student who faces challenges securing basic resources such as food, clothing, or housing and believes this may affect their performance in their course of study is urged to contact the Director of Student Resources, Dr. Deborah Cregger, for support at (817) 598-6444. Her office is on the first floor of Student Services. If the student prefers, they may contact their instructor, who can reach out on their behalf. Weatherford College also provides the Coyote Pantry. The Pantry maintains boxed and canned foods for students in need. The location of the Coyote Pantry is two blocks west of the Weatherford campus at the Baptist Student Ministry (118 E. Park Ave., Weatherford). Pantry hours are Mon-Thurs. 8:30 am-4:30 pm and Fri. 8.30 am-12:00 pm (817-599-6586).

The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) identified Competencies in the area of Resources, Interpersonal, Information, Systems, and Technology; and foundation skills in the areas of Basic Skills, Thinking Skills, and Personal Qualities. This course is part of a program in which each of these Competencies and skills are integrated. The specific SCANS Competencies that are recognized throughout this course are noted at the end of the appropriate Competencies or task listed