Scholastic Probation and Academic Suspension

Weatherford College has three academic terms in which academic standing is calculated, fall, spring, and summer. Good Academic Standing is defined as a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or greater and a term GPA of 2.00 or greater. Students whose work does not meet the minimum academic standard at the end of a term are placed on scholastic probation during the next term for which they are enrolled.

Requirements for a student on scholastic probation:

  • Enrollment must be assisted by an academic advisor.
  • An individual academic plan will be created by an advisor.
  • An academic advisor can place restrictions on the number of hours and selection of classes.

A student will remain on scholastic probation until their cumulative GPA is 2.00 or greater so long as their term GPA is 2.00 or greater. A student who withdraws from all coursework while on probation will continue on probation for the next enrollment term.

A student on scholastic probation whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 and fails to maintain a 2.0 Term GPA will be placed on Academic Suspension for the next term of enrollment. A student on academic suspension must make their intent to enroll before the Academic Appeals Committee or Designated Academic Advisor. The Advisor or Academic Appeals Committee will assist the student with enrollment and will establish a prescribed action plan for the student to follow.

Requirements for a student on Academic Suspension:

  • Enrollment must be assisted by the Academic Appeals Committee or Designated Advisor.
  • Individual academic plan will be created by the Academic Appeals Committee or Designated Advisor.
  • Academic Appeals Committee will assign an advisor for the student to work with individually.

A student who maintains a 2.00 term GPA will be placed on continued probation for their next term of enrollment until their cumulative GPA is 2.00 or greater. A student who does not enroll in the following semester or a student who enrolls and withdraws while on academic suspension will continue on academic suspension for the next approved term of enrollment. 

A student on academic suspension whose term GPA is below 2.0 will be placed on academic suspension II for the next term of enrollment. A student on academic suspension II can sit out two terms or make their petition to enroll before the Academic Appeals Committee. The Academic Appeals Committee will determine to readmit the student or enforce suspension. If the committee agrees to readmit the student, the committee will prescribe a course of action for the student follow. 

Requirements for a student on Academic Suspension II:

  • Enrollment must be approved by the Academic Appeals Committee
  • Individual academic plan will be created by the Academic Appeals Committee
  • Academic Appeals Committee will assign an advisor for the student to work with individually.

A student on academic suspension II who maintains a 2.00 term GPA will be placed on scholastic probation for their next term of enrollment until their cumulative GPA is 2.00 or greater. A student who sits out two terms or a student who enrolls and withdraws while on academic suspension II will continue on academic suspension II for the next approved term of enrollment.

A student on academic suspension II whose term GPA is below 2.0 will be placed on academic dismissal. A student’s transcript will depict Academic Dismissal, and future enrollment must be approved by the Vice President of Instruction or Associate Vice President of Student Services.