- Demonstrate proficiency in creating, editing, formatting, enhancing and saving a spreadsheet.
- Demonstrate proficiency in creating charts and enhancing charts.
- Demonstrate proficiency in importing and exporting data in Excel.
- Demonstrate proficiency in accessing templates.
Identify spreadsheet terminology and concepts; calculate data using formulas and functions; create and modify workbooks; insert graphics; generate charts and reports; and create and use special functions.
Objective and/or skill-based tests, hands-on activities, reading and writing assignments, and/or integrated projects, quizzes, and class participation.
Lecture, video and/or slides, group activities, discussions, hands-on assignments using the Microsoft Office software, and/or laboratory demonstrations.
- Students will apply skills in office productivity software and publishing.
- Students will create and edit forms, newsletters, calendars, letterheads, and other publications
- Students will apply math skills needed in business software and machine applications.
ADA Statement:
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) may contact the Office on the Weatherford College Weatherford Campus to request reasonable accommodations. Phone: 817-598-6350 Office Location: Office Number 118 in the Student Services Building, upper floor. Physical Address: Weatherford College 225 College Park Drive Weatherford, TX.
A student shall retain all rights to work created as part of instruction or using College District technology resources.
The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) identified competencies in the area of Resources, Interpersonal, Information, Systems, and Technology; and foundation skills in the areas of Basic Skills and Personal Qualities. A SCANS matrix which includes this course is available for your review by clicking the link below. https://www.wcinstruction.net/syllabi/pluginfile.php/3306/mod_page/content/1/OTCompetencyFoundationMaster2011.pdf