Psychology (PSYC)

Romney D. Landis, Department Chair – Behavioral Sciences
Business Building (BUSI), RM 222
817-598-8834 •

The Psychology Department prepares students to succeed in the demanding requirements of University studies, as well as, the Healthcare professions. All PSYC courses provide a historical, social, biological, and environmental perspective on the driving forces of that determine and affect individual behavior.

Psychology and sociology majors should see page 94 for Associate of Arts.

Course Descriptions

PSYC 2301: General Psychology

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
42.0101.51 25
General Psychology is a survey of the major psychological topics, theories and approaches to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Three hours lecture per week.

PSYC 2314: Lifespan Growth and Development

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
42.2703.51 25
Life-Span Growth and Development is a study of social, emotional, cognitive and physical factors and influences of a developing human from conception to death. Three hours lecture per week.

PSYC 2317: Statistical Methods in Psychology

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
This course covers descriptive and inferential statistics used in psychological research and assessment. It includes measurement, characteristics of distributions; measures of central tendency and variability; transformed scores; correlation and regression; probability theory; and hypotheses testing and inference. Three Lecture hours per week. (PSYC 2317 is included in the Psychology Field of Study.)


PSYC 2301 - General Psychology and MATH 1314 - College Algebra (3 SCH Version)

PSYC 2319: Social Psychology

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
Study of the individual behavior within the social environment. Topics may include socio-psychological processes, self, social cognition, and research methods. Three Lecture hours per week. (PSYC 2319 is included in the Psychology Field of Study.)


PSYC 2301 - General Psychology

PSYC 2320: Abnormal Psychology

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
42.0101.52 25
This course provides an introduction to the psychological, biological, and socio - cultural factors involved in the development, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders. It includes a review of the historical understanding of abnormal behavior and the development of modern diagnostic systems. It includes discussion of psychological research and practice as it relates to mental health and psychological functioning, as well as legal and ethical issues, other complex behaviors. Three Lecture hours per week. (PSYC 2330 is included in the Psychology Field of Study.)


PSYC 2301 - General Psychology.

PSYC 2330: Biological Psychology

Class Program
Credits 3

An introduction to the biological bases of behavior. Topics include evolution, genetics, research methods in behavioral neuroscience, motivation and emotion, sensation and perception, learning and memory, lifespan development, cognition, psychological disorders, and other complex behaviors. Three Lecture hours per week. PSYC 2330 is included in the Psychology Field of Study.


PSYC 2301 - General Psychology.