Speech (SPCH)

Vance Christie, Ag, Business, & Communications Department Chair
Academic Building (ACAD), RM 216
817-598-6280 • vchristie@wc.edu

Speech majors should seek advisement within the Speech Department regarding specific transfer degree requirements.

Course Descriptions

SPCH 1311: Introduction to Speech Communication

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
23.1304.51 12
Introduces basic human communication principles and theories embedded in a variety of contexts including interpersonal, small group, and public speaking. Three hours lecture per week.

SPCH 1315: Public Speaking

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
23.1304.53 12
Application of communication theory and practice to the public speaking context, with emphasis on audience analysis, speaker delivery, ethics of communication, cultural diversity, and speech organizational techniques to develop students’ speaking abilities, as well as ability to effectively evaluate oral presentations. Three hours lecture per week.

SPCH 1321: Business & Professional Communication

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
23.1304.52 12

Study and application of communication within the business and professional context. Special emphasis will be given to communication competencies in presentations, dyads, teams and technologically mediated formats. Three lecture hours per week.