Mathematics (MATH)

Shirley Brown, Department Chair
Faculty Offices (FACL), RM 103C

Mathematics majors should see Associate of Science page for degree requirements.

Course Descriptions

MATH 0314: Intermediate Algebra (Pre-College Algebra)

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 1
Clinical Hours
32.0104.52 19
This course prepares students to enroll in MATH 1314, College Algebra, and other higher level mathematics courses. This course will be taught in a Co-requisite modality as an 8 week course. It will be paired with MATH 1314 for the second 8 weeks. This course presents terminology, concepts, and techniques needed to begin a study of functional algebra. Topics include functions, polynomials and factoring, rational expressions and equations, set operations, solving absolute value equations and inequalities, solving systems of equations and inequalities, radical expressions and equations, and solving quadratic equations and inequalities. This course is designed for students whose placement scores indicate that they would have difficulty passing a more advanced course at the college level. This course will not transfer to a senior college; however, it will count for Non-degree credit from Weatherford College. Attendance and tutorials required.


placement by TSI instrument.

MATH 0332: Elementary Algebra (Pre-Contemporary Mathematics)

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 1
Clinical Hours
32.0101.51 19
This course prepares students to enroll in MATH 1332, Contemporary Mathematics. This course will be taught in a co-requisite modality as an 8 week course. It will be pared with a MATH 1332 section for the second 8 weeks. Topics in this course include the real number system, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing linear equations and inequalities, solving systems of linear equations, statistical topics, and number theory. This course will not transfer to a senior college; however, it will count for Non-degree credit from Weatherford College. Attendance and tutorials required.


Either a C or better in MATH 0301 or placement by TSI instrument.

MATH 0342: Pre-Statistics Developmental

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 1
Clinical Hours
32.0101.51 19

This course prepares students to enroll in MATH 1342, Elementary Statistics. This course will be taught in a co-requisite modality as an 8 week course.  It will be paired with a MATH 1342 section for the second 8 weeks. Topics in this course include the real number system, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing linear equations and inequalities, solving systems of linear equations, exponents and polynomials, and factoring polynomials. This course will not transfer to a senior college; however, it will count for Non-degree credit from Weatherford College. Attendance and tutorials required.


Either a C or better in MATH 0001 or placement by TSI instrument.

MATH 1314: College Algebra

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.54 19
This course includes the study of linear, quadratic, polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential functions and their graphs; characteristics of other basic functions, graphing techniques, and operations on functions; systems of equations; and matrices. Three hours lecture per week.


MATH 0402- Developmental Mathematics, or fulfillment of TSI requirements.

MATH 1316: Plane Trigonometry

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.53 19
This course is an in-depth study and applications of trigonometry including the study of trigonometric functions, solutions of triangles, trigonometric identities and equations, inverse trigonometric functions, and vectors. Emphasis is placed on acquiring and evaluating information based on the trigonometric functions. Exercises are designed to allow students to demonstrate their reasoning ability to solve problems using trigonometry. Three hours lecture per week.


MATH 1314/1414

MATH 1324: Mathematics for Business & Social Sciences

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0301.52 19

Topics from college algebra (linear equations, quadratic equations, functions and graphs, inequalities), mathematics of finance (simple and compound interest, annuities), linear programming, matrices, systems of linear equations, applications to management, economics, and business. (The content level of MATH 1324 is expected to be at or above the level of college algebra). Three hours lecture per week.

MATH 1325: Calculus for Business & Social Sciences

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0301.53 19

Limits and continuity, derivatives, graphing and optimization, exponential and logarithmic functions, antiderivatives, integration, applications to management, economics, and business. Three hours lecture per week.


MATH 1314, MATH 1414 or MATH 1324 (The content level of MATH 1325 is expected to be below the content level of Calculus I, MATH 2413).

MATH 1332: Contemporary Mathematics I (MATH for Liberal Arts Majors I)

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.51 19
Topics may include introductory treatments of sets, logic, number systems, number theory, relations, functions, probability and statistics. Appropriate applications are included. This course is designed for liberal arts students. It will provide knowledge of the nature of mathematics as well as training in mathematical thinking and problem solving. All topics are motivated by real world applications and may include logic, problem solving, financial management, probability, statistics, modeling, and the mathematics of politics. Three hours lecture per week.


Either a C or better in MATH 0342 or P in MATH 0332 or MATH 0314 or fulfillment of TSI requirements.

MATH 1342: Elementary Statistical Methods

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0501.51 19

An elementary course in statistics including the following topics and their applications in various fields; probability; population sampling; collection; tabulation and graphing of data; frequency distributions; mean and standard deviation; correlation and regression, the normal distribution; and hypothesis testing. Three hours lecture per week.

MATH 1350: Mathematics for Teachers I

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.56 19

This course is designed for elementary and middle school education majors, but is open to all students. This course covers an introduction to problem solving, set theory, functions, other numeration systems, integers, number theory, rational numbers, and real numbers. Emphasis is placed on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, and the College and Career Readiness Standards for the elementary and middle school levels. Exercises are designed to allow students to demonstrate their reasoning ability to solve problems using a problem solving approach. Also, the students develop conceptual understanding through using math manipulatives. Three hours lecture per week.


MATH1314 (C or Better Recommended)

MATH 1351: Mathematics for Teachers II

Class Program
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.57 19

This course is designed specifically for students who seek middle grade (4 through 8) teacher certification. This course includes study of statistics, probability, geometry, and measurement. The course looks at using math manipulatives to develop conceptual understanding. Exercises are designed to allow students to demonstrate their reasoning ability to solve problems using a problem solving approach. Three hours lecture per week.


MATH1350 (C or Better Recommended)

MATH 2412: Pre-Calculus Mathematics

Class Program
Credits 4 Lecture Hours 4 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.58 19
This course includes the applications of algebra and trigonometry to the study of elementary functions and their graphs including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. This course is designed to assist students to prepare for their study of the calculus sequence, and it includes five contact hours per week.


Math 1314/1414 with C or better.

MATH 2413: Calculus I

Class Program
Credits 4 Lecture Hours 6 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.59 19

This course presents terminology, concepts, and techniques needed to study limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Exercises are designed to allow students to demonstrate their reasoning ability, to determine maxima and minima, and to analyze functions and their graphs. A Maple component is included in this course. Six lecture hours per week. Six hours lecture per week includes a Maple lab.


MATH 2412 or Math department approval.

MATH 2414: Calculus II

Class Program
Credits 4 Lecture Hours 6 Lab Hours 0
Clinical Hours
27.0101.59 19
Differentiation and integration of transcendental functions; parametric equations and polar coordinates; techniques of integration; sequences and series; improper integrals. The Maple computer algebra system will be used throughout the course. Six hours lecture per week includes a Maple lab.


MATH 2413 or mathematics department approval.

MATH 2415: Calculus III

Class Program
Credits 4 Lecture Hours 4
27.0101.61 19

Advanced topics in calculus, including vectors and vector-valued functions, partial differentiation, Lagrange multipliers, multiple integrals, and Jacobians; application of the line integral, including Green’s Theorem, the Divergence Theorem, and Stokes’ Theorem.
