Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Degree Type

Dr. Leslie Hancock
Program Director, BAAS ECET

The proposed Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science (BAAS) in Early Childhood Education and Teaching (ECET) at Weatherford College will prepare individuals to work with children from newborns through the sixth grade. The proposed program was designed to meet the growing demands for individuals who are well-qualified to educate the young people of our region and state.

The BAAS in ECET will open doors for students of this generation and those to come. Students in the Weatherford College program will have experiential learning internships in their communities, reshaping communal narratives as they complete their coursework and enter the workforce. Graduates will have the skills and training essential to develop effective student-teacher relationships. They will learn to engage with students, challenging them with intentionally crafted learning experiences. They will be home-grown educators, mentors, role models, and leaders.

The curriculum of the proposed BAAS ECET will focus on student-centered learning within culturally sensitive and responsive contexts. The theoretical concepts taught and modeled in the College classroom will be applied as students engage in field-based practicums. Program content will include a wide variety of concepts and frameworks from which to pursue excellence in education.  The program's focus will remain on students developing the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate their learning.

Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT)

Course Number
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits